I don't know, maybe less than five? It's just that sometimes what I thought would be the correct answer was not.
What is the name of the support channel?
Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer
- Do Jan 21, 2021 11:29 pm
- Forum: English Support
- Thema: Registration questions
- Antworten: 3
- Zugriffe: 4110
- Do Jan 21, 2021 6:11 pm
- Forum: English Support
- Thema: Registration questions
- Antworten: 3
- Zugriffe: 4110
Registration questions
Some of my friends are trying to register, but unfortunately German is not one of their strengths. Thus, the spam prevention question is causing some trouble, unfortunately. Is there any chance of providing a list or a hint? I know a bit of German, but not enough, it seems
Some of my friends are trying to register, but unfortunately German is not one of their strengths. Thus, the spam prevention question is causing some trouble, unfortunately. Is there any chance of providing a list or a hint? I know a bit of German, but not enough, it seems
- Do Okt 31, 2019 1:52 pm
- Forum: English Support
- Thema: Time synchronisation issues
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 4331
Re: Time synchronisation issues
Also, when I closed the game it said "Die ungefähre Spieldauer war 91 Minuten", but I had been playing for one hour more than that (I can tell because I downloaded the .js file to start playing)
- Do Okt 31, 2019 1:50 pm
- Forum: English Support
- Thema: Time synchronisation issues
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 4331
Time synchronisation issues
First of all, a great simulation, thanks to all the developers. Now, I may have encountered a bug, or an unintended feature. Starting the game, I did not notice my computer was still on "summer time" (i.e. one hour ahead). After around 15 minutes in the game, the time suddenly shifted forw...