Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von sandervh1998
Mo Mär 21, 2022 9:10 am
Forum: Fehler und Probleme
Thema: Can't start StellwerkSim on my new laptop
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 649

Re: Can't start StellwerkSim on my new laptop

Hi david, Thank you for your response. I tried to use a VPN and with a VPN Connection I can join, also with another mobile hotspot. It seems to be a problem with my hotspot. The weird thing is that when I am using the hotspot of a friend at the same provider the game will start. Is there a possibili...
von sandervh1998
Fr Mär 18, 2022 10:28 pm
Forum: Fehler und Probleme
Thema: Can't start StellwerkSim on my new laptop
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 649

Can't start StellwerkSim on my new laptop

Hi, I am trying to start stellwerksim on my laptop because I want to play when I am travelling with public transport. With my old laptop wasn't this any problem but since I have a new laptop I get a red light by the "Zeitsystemenverbindungstest". I've Java version 8 update 321 and stellwer...