Coupling train

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Coupling train

Beitrag von fabiolanzafame »

Good morning, How I can couple two trains?
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Registriert: Do Sep 28, 2006 4:22 pm

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von Slein »

Hi Fabio

To let the train drive into a full track, you have to press the red button of the first Signal and then on the RF-button after that under the Signal a red rectangle should blink. Now you can set a "Fahrstrasse" from the first signal to the track as if no train stands there. The trains will couple atomaticly.

Die STS-Handbücher helfen, Fragen zu beseitigen.

R-Admin Merxferri
Themascriptteam, Handbuchteam
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Registriert: Fr Aug 27, 2010 3:48 pm

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von Xterms »

Hello, I've got a question in this topic, too.

In Wien Wbf, the Ersatzlok OIC 545 comes out from Lokdepo to Platform WB6, but it either says the train stands in front of red signal, was soll das? :D or Zug steht am Gleisende (i give the ändert fahrtrichtung, but the it goes to the other end, and complains about the red signal again). I hope you understand what my concern is, so it always complains and doesn't stop until the Kupplung (545) arrives. What do I have to do with the Ersatzlok to stop?

Oh, and another one (OFF-topic): what's the difference between Zs1 and Rf apart from the sign colours? When should each be used?
Stellwerk-AdminSupport-TeamR-Admin [Großraum München, Großraum München 2024, Lehrregion, Nordbayern, Südbayern]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS]Erbauer
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Registriert: Mi Mai 06, 2009 9:53 pm
StiTz: 710331

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von hinz »


the "Ersatzlok" is the new engine for a train which is arriving somtimes later (about 15 min). The destination train has to be at the platform first normally, so just let the loco wait. If it is complaining, tell him to shut up and wait :) with the command "warten" from the command menu.

Zs1 is a kind of helper signal if a signal fails. It tells the loco that it can pass a red or unlighted signal. Rf is only available in the sim and is a command to let pass a red signal to couple to another train.
Hope this helps.

Admin, R-Admin Nordbayern, Südbayern und Großraum München

„Ich glaube, dass es auf der Welt einen Bedarf von vielleicht fünf Computern geben wird.“ (1943, T. Watson, Vorstandsvorsitzender der IBM)
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Registriert: Fr Aug 27, 2010 3:48 pm

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von Xterms »


Thank you very much for you help! You save me from a lot of upsetness. :D
How is it possible that a signal fails? I mean, I've never seen in this sim that a signal doesn't work. Or is it a built-in feature in some routes?
Stellwerk-AdminSupport-TeamR-Admin [Großraum München, Großraum München 2024, Lehrregion, Nordbayern, Südbayern]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS]Erbauer
Beiträge: 3323
Registriert: Mi Mai 06, 2009 9:53 pm
StiTz: 710331

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von hinz »

A signal or any other failure (switch, powerfail and so on) can appear from time to time in the online simulation. You get a message then and the signal is off. Normally you have to bypass the next signal before the failed one with Zs1 (no route possible since target is in an unknown state) and bypass the failed signal itself with the command "weiterfahren". The chance for a failure is determined by the designer of the signal box and can differ. The longer you play the greater the chance for problems.

Admin, R-Admin Nordbayern, Südbayern und Großraum München

„Ich glaube, dass es auf der Welt einen Bedarf von vielleicht fünf Computern geben wird.“ (1943, T. Watson, Vorstandsvorsitzender der IBM)
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Fr Aug 27, 2010 3:48 pm

Re: Coupling train

Beitrag von Xterms »

Thank you very much, master! :)