Avg Anti Virus detects malware

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Avg Anti Virus detects malware

Beitrag von joahn93 »


Since last week or something my AVG Anti Virus detects om Malware when i want to start a Signal Box Sim.
Do you already know about this?

Can you look for a solution?


Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Fr Mai 02, 2008 11:57 am

Re: Avg Anti Virus detects malware

Beitrag von StefanvdW »

I'm having the same message:

Can you analyze this issue? I've been playing STS for a while, never had any problems but if there is something wrong then it's good to have a look at this, seems like a serious issue.


A- und Z-designer Niederlande-Ost
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Re: Avg Anti Virus detects malware

Beitrag von PhilippK »


seems to be a "false positive", since no other virus scanner reports this isue and there are other reports about getting this message in error (https://www.google.de/search?q=java+exploit+1718).

Does this error also occur when trying to start the "Funktionstest" (http://www.stellwerksim.de/verify.php)?

See also: http://www.stellwerksim.de/forum/viewto ... 16&t=24328

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Fr Mai 02, 2008 11:57 am

Re: Avg Anti Virus detects malware

Beitrag von StefanvdW »

I just ran the 'Funktionstest' and I do not experience any problem with this test.

It's very strange, I've been playing STS for over an hour this afternoon and I did not see this error back then. Only late afternoon when I tried to start a new session I saw this message appear for the first time.

Thanks for your answer btw, I've used the search option but didn't see the other topic.

Right now, I'm starting STS and no message appears, so I'm now playing STS again...so for now this problem seems to be fixed.
A- und Z-designer Niederlande-Ost