In my house there are two of us who would like to play STS, with separate accounts. However, when one of us is playing an online game, the other receives the "Du hast erst kürzlich ein Online-Spiel verlassen" message ("you have just left an online game"). Searching through some German answers, it has been mentioned that this does happen if two players share an IP.
Is it possible for two players in the same house to play online at the same time?
Two players on same network?
Moderatoren: Stellwerk-Admin, Moderatoren
Re: Two players on same network?
Answer to this topic with the 2 sts-accounts and how long you'd like to play with those 2 on the same IP. ... &start=165 ... &start=165
Re: Two players on same network?
Both of you have to provide your firstname, lastname, residence and age in both of your respective profiles. Then, ask again naming both/all players that should be allowed to play from the same IP and one of the admins will usually take care of it.
Re: Two players on same network?
Thanks both for the answer!