Why STS cancell it same?

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Why STS cancell it same?

Beitrag von fabiolanzafame »

Good evening, the problem that I will describe you is the follow: When try to start STS at second time, it cancell it same? Why this? Thank you and good bye!
Stellwerk-AdminSupport-TeamR-Admin [Großraum München, Großraum München 2024, Lehrregion, Nordbayern, Südbayern]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS]Erbauer
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Re: Why STS cancell it same?

Beitrag von hinz »


it's technically prohibited to start two game-sessions at once. The online game is designed to play with other players as this is one of the main concepts of stellwerksim.

Admin, R-Admin Nordbayern, Südbayern und Großraum München

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