Station/region Builder

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Registriert: Fr Mär 11, 2016 7:44 pm

Station/region Builder

Beitrag von michalba »

please i find editor for create new station and trains. Sorry i don´t speak deutsch (only google translate) can are you paste link with download editor? Many thanks
Stellwerk-AdminSupport-TeamR-Admin [Großraum München, Großraum München 2024, Lehrregion, Nordbayern, Südbayern]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS]Erbauer
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Registriert: Mi Mai 06, 2009 9:53 pm
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Re: Station/region Builder

Beitrag von hinz »


there is no downloadable editor. All data is saved on the central servers, the game and the editor are client-server based applications. For testing purposes there is an demo-editor usable for everyone, but this one does not save any data and isn't full featured.

Building signal boxes and especially the simulated train schedules is rather complex and not open for everyone. You have to apply to be a designer and if it's accepted (you have to fullfill some requirements), you normally have a regional-admin who will help to get into the technical stuff. At least all documentation is written in german only. So, this would be a hard way for you, i assume (and for the regional-admin, too).

Admin, R-Admin Nordbayern, Südbayern und Großraum München

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