General questions in English

Q&A forum. Please write all articles in english. Warning: you might get faster responses when writing in geman in one of the german forums.

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General questions in English

Beitrag von skoleboss »

I have only recently started playing this game with other people after only playing with my friends. Because of that I have no experience with the language and lingo I have to use to play with others. For example, I know I have to let my neighbor know if I send a train down the wrong (left) track, but what if a train is delayed? What do I do if I have a technical problem on my Stellwerk? Is it better to say too much or too little?

I also see that pretty much everybody here is German. I do understand German, but I find it really difficult to write - I forget the words, and I know no grammar, sadly. Do people here understand English? How well? Is there a phrase I can say to let my neighbor know I can understand but not speak German? Are there any special words or abbreviations related to the game that a machine translator might not know?

I apologize for the load of questions, but I hope you will help me feel more welcome and be polite to my neighbors in this fun place :) If you feel like playing with an English-speaking neighbor let me know, I would love to keep you company!

PS: Which Stellwerk do you recommend for non-stop action? Which one is the hardest?
Entschuldigung die schlechte Deutsch, ich bin Däne :D
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Registriert: Fr Jun 13, 2014 10:12 pm

Re: General questions in English

Beitrag von spekulatius »

Hello skoleboss, and wellcome to Stellwerksim.

Actually there is not too much communication required. Going left track ("GWB" for "Gleiswechselbetrieb" is the German term) should be avoided if possible. Some layouts (Stellwerke) have multiple connections (like "Hbf1, Hbf2"). It depends on the particular train which ones you can use (destination, connections in the neighbour layout, etc.). As a basic rule, you should always communicate before you send a train anywhere else then scheduled. People appreciate that.

When a train is delayed, it is indicated in the timetable automatically, so your neighbours can see that. The delay in minutes is given in brackets in the last column called "Verspätung". If it's negative, the train is ahead of schedule. You can also give a reason for the delay if you want: right-click on the train in the timetable and choose "Verspätungsbegründung", but that is not mandatory.

Please feel free to ask questions on the chat in English. Most people in Germany know at least a little English. I think it's a shame, that there's no English manual yet. But there is a little glossary here on the forum at ... 92&t=23027.

The hardest layouts are usually the goods yards ("Rbf" - Rangierbahnhof) such as Seelze, Bremen - Burg, with a lot of shunting. The busiest passenger station probably is Amsterdam CS, but Nürnberg or Leipzig Hbf are not bad either. The fictional layouts at Merxferri are quite busy, too.

Happy railroading, and see you in the stellwerk.
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Registriert: So Apr 04, 2021 1:32 pm
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Re: General questions in English

Beitrag von Daisuke »

Hi everyone, I hope anyone is active in here and available to answer my question :D

I been using StellwerkSim for a long time now and I learned some terms and also how to use it; it is a very good simulation :P
I don't really understand German well, I come from Slovenia and in connection with upper written I came to an idea to make few signal boxes (die Stellwerke) of my country. I read some sentences of the (das Erbauerhandbuch) and soon realised I don't understand a thing.

At this point I would like to ask if anyone can explain it to me in English; how to make scenarios and new signal boxes, I would like to do that for Slovenia sandboxes.

Thanks to everyone :D :wink:
EntwicklerHandbuch-TeamR-Admin [Bremen-Niedersachsen, Fernverkehr Niederlande, Hamburg - Schleswig-Holstein, Niederlande Ost, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Main 2024, Rheinland-Pfalz, Ruhrgebiet, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [NL, SKA]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS, Zug-QS]Erbauer
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Registriert: Fr Jan 16, 2009 11:15 am
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Re: General questions in English

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »


I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that. Not only the tools themselves but also all the documentation is in german. Also, you'll need someone experienced to show you around as there are quite a few special cases that are not explicitly written down or scattered around.

On top, as Stellwerksim is meant to be played together, we would like to keep the regions more or less connected to the rest of the regions (bar some special cases like Merxferri).

So, it's quite unlikely that we'll have a Slovenian region in StellwerkSim in the coming years, sorry :-(

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: So Apr 04, 2021 1:32 pm
StiTz: 755919

Re: General questions in English

Beitrag von Daisuke »

Hi, it is alright with me. Language will probably not be as big problem as I would have time to help myself with transalating the documentation and software. We usually learn German in our primary and secondary schools (grammar schools) but it is not that complex learning that I could understand German fluently.

At this point, if the region is going to be on your list in the few years there is still the time for me to learn it. Right?

If anyone wants to teach me all the stuff after I finish transalating I would be grateful of course 😁

Thank you