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Beitrag von Hanse »


As I read the Handbuch you can not implement "Störungen" yourself and they are managed through instruments I don´t possess!

Am I right?
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Registriert: Fr Mär 09, 2012 11:59 am
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Re: "Störungen"

Beitrag von DLichti »

Yes, your are right. Disruptions (Störungen) are programmed individually into the different signal box sites by the respective authors. Most of them are triggered automatically by themes.

R-Admin [Lehrregion, Ruhrgebiet]ErbauerStörungshotline
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Re: "Störungen"

Beitrag von fablu97 »

You can also trigger them by entering a "Cheat-Code".
These Codes are hidden in the forum and sometimes revealed through the chat client.
But you have to play at least 40 minutes before you can enter one.

LG Fabian
R-Admin Ruhrgebiet, A+Z-Designer Stadtbahn NRW, Frankfurt/Main U-Bahn, Niederlande Ost und Nordbayern
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Re: "Störungen"

Beitrag von ben007 »

it would be nice to have a random option somehwere. whit that i mean that this overrides the themes etc and just adds them at random (think zusi chaosfactor if you know that)
EntwicklerHandbuch-TeamR-Admin [Bremen-Niedersachsen, Fernverkehr Niederlande, Hamburg - Schleswig-Holstein, Niederlande Ost, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Main 2024, Rheinland-Pfalz, Ruhrgebiet, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [NL, SKA]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS, Zug-QS]Erbauer
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Registriert: Fr Jan 16, 2009 11:15 am
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Re: "Störungen"

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »


you already have this option, it's in the Kommunikator (the chat window) under Einstellungen > Simulator > Geplante Spielzeit, the lower set of radio buttons. Those 4 options scale the number of disruptions from the top "lots of them and fast" to the lower "rarely and only after a certain time has passed".

This of course doesn't affect planned closured and such, as they may have effects on changes in the planned traffic, but it effects everything from signal and switch failures to disruptions in power supply.
