
Q&A forum. Please write all articles in english. Warning: you might get faster responses when writing in geman in one of the german forums.

Moderatoren: Stellwerk-Admin, Moderatoren

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi Jul 13, 2011 9:40 pm


Beitrag von Zokniaw »

I am an enthusiastic railfan, and I would also like to participate in building a new Hungarian region. I've also read that kfmboy would do the same, if possible, but I don't speak German (I understand a little bit). So... if we could start it, it would be a success because many Hungarians play here regularly. Thanks in advance!
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Registriert: Mi Mär 16, 2005 1:55 pm
StiTz: 701023

Re: Ungarn-Region

Beitrag von TigerChris »

Hallo ,
eine Neue Region wird erst wahrscheinlich nach Abschluss des Fahrplanwechsels 2006 -> 2010 vielleicht möglich sein.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen .
(übersetzt mit Google Übersetzer )

a new region is likely only after the timetable change in 2006 -> 2010 may be possible.

With kind regards.
(translated with Google Translate)
Anlagen Rechte in Südbayern u. G.München
Zug Desinger Rechte in Nord-/Südbayern und G.München
Aktuelles Projekt : modernisierung Stw Kaufbeuren (Altmühltal erstmal auf EIS gelegt)
R-Admin [Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin S-Bahn, Danmark West, Danmark Øst, Fernverkehr Deutschland, Fernverkehr Skandinavien, Hamburg - Schleswig-Holstein, Sverige, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [DE, SKA]Erbauer
Beiträge: 4445
Registriert: Fr Feb 23, 2007 8:38 pm

Re: Ungarn-Region

Beitrag von Maerkertram »

TigerChris, where dou have that information from? In my opinion, there is no connection between a new builder/region and the timetable change.

If he will be allowed to be a builder, an admin gives him the rights. If he needs to learn, he has to be teached and therefore somebody needs time. But why should now nobody have time and later everybody? I do also teach builders altough I work in some regions on timetable change.

The other thing is the creation of a new region. Normally, you as beginning user won't be allowed to lead a new region. So we see your idea und we have to wait if some advanced builders want to lead a new hungarian region.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mi Jul 13, 2011 9:40 pm

Re: Ungarn-Region

Beitrag von Zokniaw »

I understand that I won't be allowed to be a builder and this is all right. I also thank you for your immediate response. If there is going to be such a region, I'm really looking forward to it!
I no speak Germano. :(((((((
Und jetzt: "Fahrtrichtung ändern".