how to know there are breakdowns?

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Registriert: So Dez 02, 2012 5:35 pm

how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von scubaranger »


I was wondering how you can see if the breakdowns are on or off. I've been playing this game for a time know but non of the times I had any malfunction with the signals or anything. Do I have to turn something on? If yes where do I have to do that? :oops:

Greetings Scubaranger
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Registriert: Sa Dez 27, 2008 1:45 pm
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Re: how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von Micha95 »

Hi Scubaranger,

malfunctions/breakdowns are generally on so there is currently no way to turn them off (nor back on). Usually I experienced manfunctions only after roundabound 1h of playing time if not any have been already triggered at the beggining of the session due to the general theme of the scenario like blocked tracks in winter or works at the tracks. Info about such things can usually be found in the description of the 'Stellwerk'.

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Registriert: So Dez 02, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von scubaranger »

Oke thankyou. I haven't been playing longer than 1 hour so maby that's the reason. And I read the stellwerk, but my german is'n't that good... :oops:
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Registriert: Sa Dez 27, 2008 1:45 pm
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Re: how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von Micha95 »

just copy/paste the description into google translate that should give you a good idea of what to expect ;)
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Registriert: So Dez 02, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von scubaranger »

I tried that, but the translation was a bit strange. :lol:

I've got another qwstion, is there any way to pause the simulation?
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Re: how to know there are breakdowns?

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »

No, if you could, you would have to stop the clock of the other players too, as you have the same trains running alog your signal towers :-)