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Beitrag von Superpeer »

What is the STS-Adventskalender? I don't understand what it means.
Can you use the codes in the sim?
R-Admin [Thüringen, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [IT, UK]Erbauer
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Re: STS-Adventskalender

Beitrag von floflo »

Theese are effect codes for the sim.
R-Admin Thüringen
Erbauer in der Region Baden-Württemberg und Großbritannien
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Re: STS-Adventskalender

Beitrag von stellwerk62 »

i hope that i can help you the text following:

A few words to the effect or cheat codes:

Users can activate this in the simulator in the menu under options / accessories . Codes can be found in various forums posts.

Codes will be visible only after about 40 minutes of playing time to enter , then all other about 10 minutes. After the entry of the code is tested : One learns so , whether the code is valid and available yet and what it does . If it is available, it can be activated.

In the month of December of each day will be posted on the home page a new code . This code can then be used throughout the day.
What does the code exactly in advance can not be said.

What is available ? A code is only valid for limiting time (days, weeks) and then expires. This time is the forum for any code to just move the mouse over the code . In addition, some codes have a limited quota . That The code can be used only a limited number of times. If this number is exhausted , the code is also no longer valid. Codes can be used by any player in the running game only 1x . In addition, there is a time block, if another player has used a code : a code can then be not used for some minutes from other players . How long is code - specific.

Finally, the answer to the unasked questions about who where codes published : That can be anywhere in public forums. Especially important or longer articles , codes , does contain several .

Codes can trigger different things, so not only hold steady at one .

kind regards