Probleme Stellwerk Maastricht (Niederlande Ost)

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Registriert: Di Sep 18, 2012 5:03 pm

Probleme Stellwerk Maastricht (Niederlande Ost)

Beitrag von jelle94 »


I encountered some problems playing the Stellwerk Maastricht.

Errors in Stellwerk Maastricht (Start 15:06) Heavy winter
-Train D 6258 couples on track MT2 but is to long, after coupling it starts immediatly without a green signal.
- In Winter VK3 is blocked the switch 127 is possible to use.
- Train D 6258 stops at Vk1 but is it to long so the trains on Vk2 can't drive (because it is winter the other track is blocked)
- Nothing happens in NedTrain or Beatrixhaven but that can also be the time.

Hope I helped you with this and if you need more information please ask.

With kind regards,