Belgium (station names)

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Belgium (station names)

Beitrag von gilles »

Just wondering, why are the station names in the Flemish/Dutch part of the country written in French? Like Anvers instead of Antwerpen? Might look like minor details but would you prefer Cologne Central Station over Köln Hbf?
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Registriert: Di Dez 02, 2008 10:30 am

Re: Belgium (station names)

Beitrag von btrs »

I have to agree: in Switzerland there is an identical situation and there the local names are used (Genève instead of Genf. Bienne is named Biel, but since this is also true in real-life I guess we can accept that here as well).
Please use native names in the relevant region. For Brussels I can tolerate Bruxelles as "general" name, or otherwise a common denominator should be used. Even Dutch-speaking residents of Brussels sometimes abbreviate it to BXL, and everyone understands it (unless you're not a native of course).

Another bug: I found this in the timetable in Bruxelles-Nord:

I mean, if you're already using the French names, then make it consistent and also put Oostende right (in French it only contains 1 'o', so Oostende = Ostende).
R-Admin [Belgien, Fernverkehr Frankreich, Fernverkehr Niederlande, Fernverkehr Polen, Hauts-de-France, Luxemburg, Niederlande West, Polen, Île-de-France]Fernverkehr-Team [NL, PL, FR]Qualitätssicherung [Zug-QS]Erbauer
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Registriert: Do Dez 01, 2016 12:30 pm
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Re: Belgium (station names)

Beitrag von mb1403 »


thanks for your Feedback.

In the moment wie work on Gand/Ostende. In this Step we change the Name Ostende/Oostende too. In a few Month in the Live-System are all changed.


aktuell (in alphabetical order): R Belgien / R Frankreich / R Luxemburg / R Niederlande West / R Polen / Z Tschechien
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Registriert: So Jan 22, 2017 3:19 pm

Re: Belgium (station names)

Beitrag von Bas15501 »

The most common language is French in Brussels, so I would prefer using the French name at least as first name in case the station has a different name in both languages (e.g. Germoir station, which is named Mouterij in Dutch). In Flanders it is better indeed to use the Dutch station names. Except for the biggest Flemish cities and around the border with Wallonia, French names are not used frequently, mostly due to the strict laws pending language in Belgium.