Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

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Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »


Sorry to bother you in English, but my German is to bad for writing all suggestions in German.

First of all my complements for the release of the new Stellwerke today they are very good. Though there are some things I noticed which are different in reality or are changed recent.


The Bu on the Viersen side of Venlo needs to be linked in a different way. Like this:



When I looked on Sporenplan, I noticed that there where some inactive switches near B-E which are still active in Stellwerksim:



Sittard Hbf is a little bit to much fame, just call it Sittard. :lol:

The tracks 9 and 10 are all most correct, but they should be like this:


(Also I saw the tracks 6-8 aren't there, but I think you did that for saving space, right? :wink: )

Timetable in general:

I saw most of the trains in South-Limburg are still using the 2008 timetable. At the moment the timetables of 2009 are active. :wink:

For example the 6900 series doesn't stop in Sittard on platform 20 but now uses platform 2a. At the moment I can't provide you with new data. I shall ask some friend of mine on some other forums. :D

I hope this feedback is useful for you.

Greetings from Sittard.
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von Slein »

I saw most of the trains in South-Limburg are still using the 2008 timetable. At the moment the timetables of 2009 are active.
The most Regions in the Sim uses the Timetable of 2007, Because we make this in freetime and the most creators don't want to switch the Timetables each Year.

To the other Sugesstions I only can say, this is an freetime Project. We don't garantie for 100% correctness of the Stellwerke. The Creatores creates the Stellwerke, like they want to (most like real, but without all tracks, or with more switches as in real).

Regars Niels
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von LotharImKeller »

Hallo Peter,
thank you for your compliments and suggestions. I will check your suggestions the next days and maybe i will change something.
The first, the crossing in Venlo, it is right that they have to be separated.

Greetings from Mönchengladbach,
Lothar. :D
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »

Slein hat geschrieben:To the other Sugesstions I only can say, this is an freetime Project. We don't garantie for 100% correctness of the Stellwerke. The Creatores creates the Stellwerke, like they want to (most like real, but without all tracks, or with more switches as in real).
All my suggestions are on a voluntary base. It was not my meaning to assault the creators. :D :wink:

I'm already happy that you're even building South-Limburg. :lol: :mrgreen:
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von schmitzbauer »

Hello trainboy,
Sittard Hbf is a little bit to much fame, just call it Sittard.
the name of Sittard was set by the builder, who worked first on Sittard. It will be changed by the next update.
(Also I saw the tracks 6-8 aren't there, but I think you did that for saving space, right? :wink: )
That's right. I made it, because in the other way the Stellwerk would be to big.
The tracks 9 and 10 are all most correct, but they should be like this:
When I left tracks 6 - 8 away, I had Problems with the coupling and the breaking of coupling. There where not enough tracks left to take a delayed train on new one, when the normal track was occupied. As soon as I see a chance to change it, it will be done.
When I looked on Sporenplan, I noticed that there where some inactive switches near B-E which are still active in Stellwerksim:
The time I planned Sittard, on Sporenplan it was shown as it was build. Maybe it was changed in last half year. By the next Update it will be changed.

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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von LotharImKeller »

trainboy2004 hat geschrieben: Venlo:

The Bu on the Viersen side of Venlo needs to be linked in a different way. Like this:
Hello Peter,
The crossings are separated now. Thank you for the hint.

To Sittard: Andreas (aka schmitzbauer) ist working on it. It will be comming soon.

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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »

I found a little bug in Venlo. Switch 262 and 263 should be removed and replaced with a normal cross. Example.
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von Slein »

The numbers of switches and signals are given in a new order at the start of a signal box. Witch numbers does they have on the image you see before the start?

kind regards
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »

I see the numbers are changed. The numbers are now 274 and 275.
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von Slein »

Which number does they have here?
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »

W262 and W263 :wink:
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von Slein »

ok, then its clear. I will forward the thread to the relevant person.

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R-Admin Merxferri
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von LotharImKeller »

Hello trainboy,
the changes will be realized the next days.
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von trainboy2004 »


Congratulations with the release of ''Eindhoven'', it's looking really great. Though there some little mistakes in it.

1) ''Out Heeze'' should be ''Oud Heeze''
2) A set of switches between Oud Maarheeze and Weert is placed to near to Weert.

(The switches.)

It should be placed more in the middle between Oud Maarheze and Weert. Location on google maps: link to google maps

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Sugesstions for Niederland Ost

Beitrag von schmitzbauer »


thank you for your writing.

1) ''Out Heeze'' should be ''Oud Heeze''

A correction would be taken on the next update.

2) A set of switches between Oud Maarheeze and Weert is placed to near to Weert.

The structure is changing in a scale. Therefore, the gaps are not always consistent with reality.
